Welcome. This is an unofficial blog for Beaconsfield squash club.
Here you'll be able to access info about team matches, keep tabs on divisional positions,
and get updates on squash and racketball events and any forthcoming social activity.
It could also be the place to start (and end) rumours, and indulge in healthy banter.
There's bound to be the odd thing that offends; but that's alright isn't it, us being adults?
If you're truly miffed just email me and I'll remove the offending article.
You'll also be able to post a blog yourself; I am your host so, simply email me your piece/rant/match report/poetry/recipe for tripe to:
I'll put it up 'in the cloud' and folk will then be able to comment or heckle...
So come on, email your pieces or add your comments below what is already posted there.

Thursday, 29 December 2011

New Year's Eve Party

Dear Member,

Following the success of the Christmas party, the Club has decided 
to continue in the festive spirit and open for a 
New Year's Eve Masked Party.
 We are currently up to about 40 folk.
Children are more than welcome, as are guests.
Featured attractions:
Jo Smalley Pole dancing
Di Can Canning
Atko's Irish protest song and infamous 'banjo' monologue
Bob Heard and me naked wrestling (court one; lights out)
WKP's wheels coming off (9pmish)
Plus, our new Chairman's inspirational New Year's Eve speech entitled:
Why 'Small' is the new 'Big'... 
What are you waiting for?
See you there!


Friday, 23 December 2011

Back Pages: Turds v GX2 19/12/2006

About this time 5 years ago...
Turds v GX2
Won 4-1 (18-6) Excellent, gutsy performance.
I’ve been criticised for being too harsh/critical/rude to my boys in the team write ups. 

So, before my new years resolution kicks in...

St John (Won 3-1)
Two racketball players were standing at the bar, one said to the other : 
"You know, squash players are such ar*eholes!" 
St John walked up to them and with a mad look on his face said : 
"I find that statement offensive!"
One of the racketball players replied : "Oh, you must be a squash player."
"No" St John repied : "I'm an ar*ehole!"

Steve (Kinsella) (Lost 2-3)
Spend that £10 wisely! No sour grapes but:
I hear they are getting rid of Freddy Flintoff as England cricket captain and appointing Paula Yates in his place? 
Well who else has had such experience of f*cking the Aussies and bringing back the ashes.
What does an Aussie use for contraception? 
His personality!!!
What do you call an Aussie with half a brain? 
What do you call an Australian riding a bike? 
A dope pedaler.
And… God wanted Jesus to be born in Australia, but he couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.

Trev (3-0)

Jim (3-2)
What's the difference between an ape, an orphan, a prince, and Jim Cooper? 
An ape has a hairy parent, an orphan has nary a parent, a prince is an heir apparent, and Jim has...
no hair apparent.

Richard (3-0)
Richard decides that he needs to get into shape so he makes an appointment with Priya who asked him if he could do the splits. 
'Of course I can't', Richard answered. 
'How flexible are you?' she asked. 
He replied 'Well, I can't do Tuesdays.'

They also served:

Quasimodo is sat in his study and once again is feeling depressed about how ugly he is. Looking for some reassurance, he goes in search of Esmerelda. When he finds her he asks her once again if he really is the ugliest man alive.

 Esmerelda sighs and says "Look, why don't you go upstairs and ask the magic mirror who is the ugliest man alive? The mirror will answer your question once and for all" 

About five minutes later a very pleased looking Quasimodo bounced back back the stairs and gave Esmerelda a great big hug. 

"Well it worked" Quasmido beamed, "But who the f*ck is Willie Kirk Patrick?"

I wouldn’t say Kevin was short, but his feet are on his passport photo, which reminds me:                          
I was standing at the urinal after my latest victory when I noticed that I was being watched by Mearsy. Although the little fellow stared at me intently, I didn’t get uncomfortable when he dragged a small stepladder up next to me, climbed it, and proceeded to admire my privates at close range. "Wow," commented TLKM, "Those are the nicest balls I have ever seen!"

 Surprised and flattered, I thanked him and started to move away. 

"Listen, I know this is a rather strange request," said Kev, "but I wonder if you would mind if I touched them?" 

I was rather startled, but seeing no real harm in it  obliged the request.

 Kevin reached out, got a tight grip on my crown jewels, and said, "Okay, keep that result to yourself or I'll jump off the ladder!"

Our lovely club secretary Chris went to John Bullard’s Wycombe pile and knocked on the door. 
Upon opening it she said "Hi I am your birthday present." 
He responded, "What am I supposed to do with you?" 
"I'm all yours for super sex", she answers. 
He replies: "Well I am nearly 70 years old so... I’ll have the soup!”

Later, Bullard was standing at the bar, observing young Asley’s orange, green, and blue spiked hair. After a few moments, Ashley man said, "what's the matter, old man, haven't you ever done anything wild?" John smiled and said, "Well, yes. I once had sex with a parrot, and I was wondering if you might be my son."

Stefan is developing fast. He wet into a drug store to buy his first ever condoms. The pharmacist says the condoms come in packs of three, nine or 12 and asks which Stef wants. "Well", he said in his best deep voice, "I've been seeing this girl for a while and she's really hot. I want the condoms because I think tonight's THE night. We're having dinner with her parents, and then we're going out. Once she's had me, she'll want me all the time, so you'd better give me the 12-pack." Young Lubek makes his purchase and leaves. Later that evening, he sits down to dinner with his girlfriend and her parents. He asks if he might give the blessing, and they agree. He begins the prayer, but continues praying for several minutes. The girl leans over and says, "You never told me that you were such a religious person." He leans over to her and says, "You never told me that your father is a pharmacist!"
Tim Westall is involved in a smash up on the M40. As the police patrolman approached the accident site, he found that the entire side of the BMW had been ripped away, taking with it the driver's arm. Tim, obviously in shock, kept moaning, "My car, my car," as the officer tried to comfort him. "Sir," the cop said gently, "I think we should be more concerned about your arm than your car." Tim looked down to where his arm should have been, then screamed, "My Rolex! My Rolex!"

Roger and Olly are both at John Lewis’s shopping for their wives Christmas presents. 
Olly says to the Roger, "What did you get your wife this year?" 
Roger replies: "A Mercedes and a huge diamond ring." 
Olly says, "Why'd you get her both?" 
Roger says, "If she doesn't like the ring, she can take it back happy." 
Olly says, "O.K. That works." 
Roger asks, "Well what did you get your ex wife?" 
Olly says, "A pair of slippers and a dildo." 
Rog says, "So, why'd you get her both a pair of slippers and a dildo?" 
Olly replies "If she doesn't like the slippers, she can go f*ck herself!"

A crusty old man walks into Gareth Ashington’s Estate Agency and says to a female agent, "I want to sell my god damn house." To which the astonished female agent replies, "I beg your pardon, sir; I must have misunderstood you. What did you say?" "Listen up, dimwit. I said I want to sell my f*c*ing house!" "I'm very sorry sir,” she says “but we do not tolerate that kind of language in this office." So saying, the agent goes over to Gareth to tell him about her situation. They both return and Gareth asks the old geezer, "What seems to be the problem here?" "There's no damn problem," the man says, "I want to sell my f*c*ing million dollar home."   "I see," says Gareth, "and this b*tch is giving you a hard time?
And for Mark Vickery:
Why do Welsh horses run so fast? 
Because they have seen what the farmers do to the sheep!
What do you call a Welsh farmer with a sheep under one arm and a goat under the other? 
What is the one thing that you can't get in Wales? 
Virgin wool!
And a seasonal joke, just for Mark:
Roedd bachgen bach o'r enw Dewi yn cerdded trwy ei bentref, yn bownsio pe+l i'r geiriau: "B*****d Saeson prynu tai! B*****d Saeson prynu tai!"Wel, pan aeth Dewi heibio'r capel, dal yn canu "B*****d Saeson prynu tai!", daeth y gweinidog mas. "Dewi, paid a+ ddweud pethau fel 'na - pechod mawr yw e!" dywedodd e. "Mewn lle, dylet ti ddweud rhywbeth fel 'Iesu Grist cafodd ei eni mewn stabal.'"Yn awyddus i foddhau, sgipiodd Dewi i ffwrdd, yn bownsio'i be+l ac yn canu "Iesu Grist cafodd ei eni mewn stabal! Iesu Grist cafodd ei eni mewn stabal!"Pan aeth Dewi tua'r capel eto, roedd e'n dal yn canu: "Iesu Grist cafodd ei eni mewn stabal!" Felly dywedodd y gweinidog iddo fe, "Da iawn, Dewi! Nawr, wyt ti'n gwybod pam cafodd Iesu Grist ei eni mewn stabal?"Meddyliodd Dewi am foment, ac wedyn dywedodd: "B*****d Saeson prynu tai!"
Well Done this first half Gents!
Prepare for the big push
Merry Xmas to all!

Match Report: Bulls v Chesham Bois Upstarts

Meanwhile, back in this decade, The Camel promised to do the last match report of the season.
We held our collective breath and were not disappointed when we received... the beer stained match card seen below; thanks for the effort Nige. I know that they say you shouldn't leave anything on court but...
I shall be buying you a poison pen for Xmas.

End of the first half season finds the Bulls mid table after a middling term: 6th out of 11.
Have a look here.
Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to the New Years Evening party at the club; apparently it's a free bar and Di's driving...

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Back Pages: Xmas Carol Special: Turds v Gerrards 'Very' Cross (31/11/2006)

From: 31/11/2006

Becky 3 v GX 1 Lost 2-3 (6-13)
St John has just informed me that he can't play next week as he has "got to go to Carol Singing" (for Christ's sake!) so......

St John (Lost 0-3)
(to the tune of 'Silent Night')
St John was sh*te, St John was sh*te
Moved around like Barry White
Come on Sturgeon, you big Ginger Tom
You want the cream but your boll*cks have gone!
Keep him Kevin, please keep him
Keep him O Kevin, please keep him

AND, started but couldn't finish: (to the tune of 'The Little Drummer Boy')
Christ Almighty,
barapapum pum
That's not a 'blow-up'
it's his bububum bum......

Gareth (Lost 0-3)
(to the tune of 'Away in a Manger')
Though form is a stranger, no need for concern
We all know that Gareth's finesse will return
We love his 'return' stance, his head band is cool
And thank Christ for someone who knows half the rules

Trevor (won 3-0)
(To be sung to me, whilst lying at my feet and to the tune of 'Twinkle twinkle little star')
Twinkle twinkle little star
Now we know how great You are
Like a God (who comes from Greece)
Your sporting wonders never cease
You're our Saviour, hear our prayer
Praise be to He of perfect hair

Steve (Won 3-0)
(to the tune of 'Good King Wenceslas')
Sledging's senseless, there's no rest, he's a beast, is Steven
(Though his squash was pizzaesque: deep and crisp and even)
Brightly shone his smirk that night (grinning like a fooool)
The Poms were in the deep end, he
Was p*ssing in the poooool

Roger (Lost 0-3)
(to the tune of 'Little Donkey')
Little Roger little Roger on a dusty court
Playing like a little donkey (lucky to get nought!)
"Show me that rule book now! Not a stroke! Not a stroke!
Christ, Damn and Holy Cow. Not a stroke! Not a stroke!
Playing like a little donkey, guess he knows his fate:
The 'Knackers Yard of Sporting Giants'
Courtney-Luck awaits!

Coming next week: a Rock Opera on the glorys of team meals entitled "Food Glorious Food, We're Anxious To Try It" (only joking Allan!) and a lecture by the late Kevin Mears on the difficulties of timekeeping in the modern world, entitled "Sorry seems to be the hardest word".
(...there is no game next week, but don't tell the Sturgeon!)
Trev X

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Boat House Bound...

Di and I are off to Norfolk for a few days so will drop off the intermap for a while.
It's our 25th anniversary (first kiss, not wed) on Dec 20th and we'll be billeted in a 10x10 boat house for the duration.
I hope that we get on...
Meanwhile, we went to Northumberland last weekend for a magical weekend with our neighbours; snow on the beach, beer and... kippers.
I'll see you again next Thursday....

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Back Pages: Turds v Chesham 1879 24/10/2006

Hard to believe that these 'Back Pages' are from 5 years ago.
Time flies but nothing changes...

Turds v Chesham 1879 (Away)
Lost 3-2 (15-8)
With WKP as navigator (he was a pilot!) we managed to visit every sporting facility in Chesham (actually signing liability waivers at one fitness centre afore the penny dropped!) before arriving at the venue late (for a definition of 'late', please see 'Kevin Mears/Phil Payne')
therefore unable to rally troops, do the hakka etc.

Gareth Ashington (0-3)
Great to have Gareth back. I know we're all mindful of his son's recent illness, and we all wish the family good luck & good health.
With St John's late withdrawal (see footnote) and the match scores poised at 2-2, what was intended as a gentle re-introduction to planet squash became a dog fight. Gareth's game was up to it, his legs
weren't. A couple of sharpeners (see Roger Taylor) should see him right.
Match Rating: A 'Large Tonic'

Trevor Jones (0-3)
A bit of a passenger I'm afraid, even the on court banter, against a slightly unhinged Sam, was a bit flat. No legs, no head, no drop shot, no chance!
Match Rating: A very weak (headless) 'Bitter Shandy'

WKP (3-2)
Never far from controversy, WKP won a very close encounter by foul means: match point to Willie he plays a weak boast, 20 feet away, as his oppo' shapes for a simple drop, Willie raps on the court door and starts doing the river dance, which not only registered a 9 on the Richter scale, but also  distracted poor Chris who tinned it. Chris pouts, Ollie cheers ('Gerthchaaaa!') Sam (marking) mistakes a radiator for the team dog, I search the manual for a chapter on diplomacy while Roger and Gareth bite their knuckles. Willie meanwhile grins manically, does a victory dance (a variation on said 'river dance') and spends the next hour in the shower, describing his victory, shot by shot, to an admirably dignified Chris, who looks on in disbelief at what appears to be a man wearing one of those 'Little Britain' naked lady suits ( a strap on Willie?) I fear this shameful incident will be as easily digested as the match meal (a 'European Curry' made, I think, from the much abused Chesham team dog).
Match Rating: Not a six pack in sight so, for his sins, '3 Hail Bloody Marys' with a 'Wallbanger' chaser

Oliver Reeves (3-0)
There is a phrase much used on my old old school reports which sums up the the 'old' Olly's past performances: 'flatters to deceive'. Always stylish, with a lovely touch, he just seemed to lack a bit of bite. There is now lead in his pencil and the transformation is remarkable; he totally dominated a very dynamic opponent, took the pace out of the game when he needed to and upped the tempo accordingly. Performance of the night, though the scorer's swear box has now been replaced by a dictionary on Dick Van Dykisms
Match Rating: 'Rum Punch' in a dirty glass

Roger Taylor (2-3)
A battle royale with 'young Roger' v 'old Roger'. 'Young Roger', struggling with a dodgy back, started the game as Sean Connery but ended as Roger Moore, dominating a match that he lost. His oppo' played most of his shots off the back foot and the back wall, but must be credited with durability. Roger, as stylish as his Aston Martin, seemed fueled by diesel, dictating and cruising the longer rallies but never quite able to switch into overdrive. He and Gareth should be locked in a small white room with each other (and a couple of rackets) for a fortnight!
Match Rating: A very stiff 'Martini with a Twist', shaken but not sufficiently stirred

*A footnote regarding St John's calf: how could this injury be aggravated on a romantic weekend in Madrid?
Rating: Ginger Beer

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Lions v Booker: Lions Get Stuffed: Match Report by Dirty Fernandez

Lions Get Stuffed

Here's Dan's report followed by a few words about last weekend's Racket ball tournament.
He's obviously being paid by the word...

Worst Lions loss since records began.
1 - 19 v Booker.
Power twins electrocuted Treadwell & Manley
Carr ran over Gildersleve
Napoleon sunk by Buckley
Ashington salvaged a point v a bloke 10 yrs older than him.
Come back Foo, Fernandez, Longman, Boyle & Burnett all is forgiven....

County Racketball Tournament:
Popular winner Simon Martin 3-1 v Craig Bartlett.
Bartlett surprisingly beat defending champ Tom 'pissed' Phipps 3-1 in semi.
Poor turnout from Beaconsfield & Bucks players generally. 12 entries reduced to 9 on Friday with injuries and no-shows.

Cambo Enduro: Two for the Road: The Last Post

Here's Richard Monson's last post from his and Chapp's Cambodian adventure.
Those expecting a Conradesque 'Heart of Darkness' type account should be content with... a photo and a video. Amazing that amidst all of the hairy arsed mud and sweat, Mike managed to keep his teeth so dazzlingly white. Maybe it's just a reflection from all of the chrome domes around him...

Many apologies for the delay in sending these on. 
Here is the final photo which shows us after our relieved arrival in Sion Reap.

It was an amazing trip and indeed a very humbling experience 
spending time with people that quite simply have absolutely nothing but 
are so happy.  
Given the lot they have had thrown at them over the last 
40 years it's truly incredible.

The movie is clip from the paddy fields:

Monday, 12 December 2011

Back Pages: Turds v Aylesbury 2 (17/10/2006)

Squash 3rds v Aylesbury 2 (Away) Lost 6-15

Steve 'Call that a knife?' Kinsella v S Townsend (0-3) 
Steve played squash while his partner played badminton; confusing for everyone, but very watchable. Townsend's very effective game, all limp wristed flicks and dolly drops, lacked the testorine required to motivate the meekest antipodean. Poor Steve didn't know whether to fight him or f**k him!

Trevor 'Uh?' Jones v C Bartlett (3-1) 
Everyone in gallery heard my oppo's hamstring twang in the warm up. I didn't and spent the next 40 minutes trying to work out his odd footwork/game-plan/mindgames. I think I've been hanging around WKP too much.

Roger '100%' Taylor v K Hodges (3-1) 
Roger, jetting in specially for the event, battled well in a tight and very competitive ...pair of shorts... sorry, match. There were a couple of pivotal moments: Roger very unhappy with being taken from behind by his opponent for the 2nd week running. (Apparently it's better to give than receive...captain’s suggestion: looser fitting shorts or improve the drop shot) Also, some  excellent subliminal motivation from his watching team mates, with the orchestrated chant/whisper of 'vodaphone, vodaphone' which had the desired effect; rolling eyes and much drooling, terrifying poor Kev into submission. 
Match of the day!

Mark ''Is that it?' Vickery v A Woodger (0-3) 
Mark only lasted 20 minutes, which his wife assures us isn't bad for him! I didn't see his performance but could hear the moans of displeasure from the car park. Only needs match practice...give him a ring!

Tim 'Windy' Westall v D O'Conner (0-3) 
Tim battled gallantly but was doomed once Des O'Connor took the cardy off. Des, who's filled out a bit since his Palladium glory days, still rocks; but gently.
Note: Tim gets 'sick note of the week' for his novel '8 currys in 4 days' excuse. Not surprised poor Des wanted off court asap!

We have the next couple of weeks off. There is talk of a training session  on a Wed night with the 2nd team. I'll keep you posted.


Friday, 9 December 2011


Trevor ,
All the "nonsense" was, and continues to be, created by you. 
I take great offence at your inference that I cannot mark properly and feel that you owe me an apology for your behaviour on the night and for your decision to go public with your rant. 
Bob Heard.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Back Pages: My 50th Birthday Party

I've just found some photos of my 50th birthday party.
It was a 'French Night' and a cracking evening.

FRIDAY 13th NOVEMBER 2009  7.30pm

Dress as a ‘Frenchy’
Or come as you are
There’ll be food and champagne
Some free drinks at the bar

Don’t ignore the old git
In the stripes, he ain’t bad
He’s just lost his onions
(That ‘old git’ is my Dad)

There’ll be Mum and young Di
And they really Can Can
And they quite often do
With any old man

But, who needs an excuse
In these times, mean and thrifty?
C’est mois, mes amis
Je suis bloody fifty!

Trev xxx

See if you can recognise any of the Roast Beefs below, starting with Koko's pathetic outfit, a piece of card stuck to his chest. Nice of Dirty to have made an effort...
Also note a very emotional Atko who had a 'reaction' to the Napoleon Brandy (I kid you not.)
My Dad's the pillock with the onions...