Welcome. This is an unofficial blog for Beaconsfield squash club.
Here you'll be able to access info about team matches, keep tabs on divisional positions,
and get updates on squash and racketball events and any forthcoming social activity.
It could also be the place to start (and end) rumours, and indulge in healthy banter.
There's bound to be the odd thing that offends; but that's alright isn't it, us being adults?
If you're truly miffed just email me and I'll remove the offending article.
You'll also be able to post a blog yourself; I am your host so, simply email me your piece/rant/match report/poetry/recipe for tripe to:
I'll put it up 'in the cloud' and folk will then be able to comment or heckle...
So come on, email your pieces or add your comments below what is already posted there.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Shameless Self Promotion. Miracle Mile: In Cassidy's Care: Reviews: R2

Here's the latest in a slew of positive reviews for 'In Cassidy's Care', the latest release from my musical folly, Miracle Mile.
The R2 review is at the bottom of the page; it is is a fine monthly musical magazine that focuses on all types of music: Roots, Singer-Songwriter, Folk, Rock World and Blues. You can pick it up at most quality shops: WH Smith etc...


To read more reviews you can go to my other blog Hissyfit here.

You can buy the album here via my website, you could go direct to Amazon here, or...
... you could catch me at the bar.

In Cassidy's Care

The latest outing from perfect-pop purveyors Miracle Mile is actually a concept album. Fortunately the dragon, starship, wizard and damsel count is zero, as the narrative arc charts a relationship from beginning to end and beyond. It's not an original idea but it's brilliantly executed. Miracle Mile have been masters of intelligent, thoughtful, literate pop for many years and this is no different.
The songs are masterpieces of subtlety and observation clothed in sumptuous, lush melodies. There's genuine depth to the music and, far from just being an observer, the listener is fully engaged in the fate of the characters while, all the while, humming the irresistible tunes. Trevor Jones's vocals capture the anguish hope and despair of the protagonists while the music, rather than glossing over the surface, buoys up the words and enhances them. There's no particular song to single out - all would be highlights on lesser works.
'Underrated' is a word used of people who are anything but (see Richard Thompson). Miracle Mile are not only underrated, they're so far under the radar they're practically submerged and they deserve better.
This is one of the great records of 2013. Buy it and fall in love.

Jeremy Searle

Shameless Self Promotion: Miracle Mile: In Cassidy's Care: Snippets


“Masterpieces of subtlety and observation clothed in sumptuous, lush melodies. This is one of the great records of 2013. Buy it and fall in love.”  **** R2

“Another little masterpiece has been born. Truly outstanding. Thoughtful, intelligent, graceful and deeply moving music, with every rerun being as joyous as the first.”  9/10 AmericanaUK

“Jones and Cliffe make a formidable pair; crafting beautifully adult, thoughtful and melodic music where Jones' poetic lyrics are placed within gently memorable tunes and lovingly crafted arrangments.”  Elsewhere NZ
“Far and away the most unfairly unsung musical wizards ever to emerge from this sceptered isle. Big on memorable tunes wrapped around honest-to-goodness emotionally involving lyrics." Rating 95%  ‘Album Choice’ HiFi News
“The music and its rich texture is simply stunning. Quite honestly, I have not been so moved by an album for such a long time. “ 4.5 out of 5  Let’s Get Ready to Rock

“Tumblingly lovely; rather like being gently massaged by feathers.” NetRhythms
“A triumph of lyricism. Dream pop with the grace of a butterfly. Touching, sincere, sensual, deep, brilliant, elegant and devoid of hyperbole, a triumph of noble songwriting and seldom reached perfection. If you only buy one disc this year, make it this one.” 
Onda Rock (Album of the Month)

“A record of great heart. The duo orchestrate intensely personal emotions that you’ve possibly never endured. It is a wonderful thing indeed.” Roots and Branches

“An almost perfect album.” Suono.it

The Hat Club Xmas Special: Lucinda Drayton & Marcus Cliffe: December 20

Thanks to those of you who attended the last Hat Club.
It was a half full/half empty affair; shame, given the quality of the offering and the amount of work that went into setting things up.
"Too expensive!", 'No food!" were a couple of the lame sick notes.
My response to that is that Peter Howarth was brilliant, worth every penny and... there's a feckin fish and chip shop just around the corner...

The next Hat Club is on December 20th, a Xmas Special featuring Lucinda Drayton and Marcus Cliffe.
More details will follow soon, but get the date in your diaries now.
I could tell you that they will be brilliant, unmissable, but would you give a fig? There will be no frills, no food, just an evening of fine live music with a seasonal seasoning; plus a lively Xmas soundtrack from the club iPod, and a late bar.
These events are quality controlled; a unique chance to see fine performances up close.
They really need your support...
Why not reserve your place early?
60 max!
A measly £10 will get your name on the club clip board.
Do it now but, please... don't put yourself down without paying...
It would be great to be assured of numbers in advance.
Live music needs your support.
It's your Hat Club...
What Else Are You Going to Do?

Friday, 20 September 2013

The Club Racketball Championship Finals: Followed by The Hat Club

The Finals of the club's Racketball Finals will be played late tomorrow evening, Saturday September 21.

Lino 'The Italian Stallion' Gallina awaits either Howard 'Ronnie' Machin or Avril 'Yer Don't Get Many of Those to the Pound' Blanchot in the the final of The Shield.
The Shield Final will be at 5pm tomorrow.

In the Grand Final we are sure of a David v Goliath encounter:
Trevor 'The Fox' Jones has somehow found himself on the grand stage; a startled rabbit in the headlights. He somehow recovered from 2-0 down in the quarters to win against an understandably under par Ches 'The Python' Bhola.
Jones then lost a keenly contested 3-2 semi against Mike 'Gertcha!' Chapples (11-9 in the 5th) only for Chapps to reveal himself (!) unavailable for the final.
So who will the pretender meet in the final?
The smart money is on Jonny 'Le Sulk' Machin to overwhelm 'Dirty' Dan Fernandez in tonight's semi final, to be played at 7pm (probably @8pm if you go by Dirty's watch.
The Grand Final will kick off at @ 5.45pm tomorrow evening. 
Could be a bloodbath or a turkey shoot.
Come see the drama!

The Finals will be followed by the second 'Hat Club' presentation.
Half of the tickets have been sold already so get there early (8pm) to reserve a seat, or get your name on the clipboard sharpish.
Should be a grand night at the club; definitely one NOT TO MISS!
Come on members.
Support your Club!
What else are you going to do?

The Hat Club: Peter Howarth: This Saturday: 8pm - Late: What Else Are You Going to Do?

A final reminder about our next 'Hat Club' presentation.
Please be sure to come and support your club's social events...
This is surely one NOT TO MISS... a night of nostalgia is guaranteed from the performance and from the playlist on the club iPod.
We'll be focussing on the 60s and 70s so just wear your usual gear...
This event follows the club Racketball finals, which Lino Gallina is organising earlier in the evening.
Please note that it is a separate event but should guarantee a cracking evening out.

After the excellent exotic exhortations of Brian Lopez, who recently launched the club with an intimately dynamic set of Tuscon Tales, we will be shifting our gaze from that distant horizon, back to our own shores.
Who says nostalgia ain't what it used to be?
Peter Howarth is the lead singer with The Hollies, the combo who were ever present in the 60s charts with such hits as 'Bus Stop', Carrie Ann', and 'Jennifer Eccles' and progressed through the 70s and 80s with such perennial favourites as 'He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother' and 'The Air That I Breathe'.
Peter has been a mainstay with the band for several years; also managing gigs with Cliff Richard and, recently making a bit impression as the West End star of 'The Roy Orbison Story'.
Peter is an engaging northerner (as well as a handy squash player), so we are guaranteed some healthy banter as well as a choice selection of acoustic arrangements of classic hits from all of his back pages...
You are welcome to turn up on the night; but you can reserve a spot by paying your tenner asap and adding your name to that famous club clip board.
Simply ask any member of staff...

Saturday, 14 September 2013

The Hat Club: Saturday 21: Peter Howarth

The 'Hat Club' is about to present it's second offering.
This event will follow the Racket Ball Championship Finals.
A reminder to book your space early as numbers are limited.
This is going to be a very special evening.
Just speak to any member of staff.
£10 will get your name on that clip board and guarantee you an evening of quality nostalgia.

Friday, 13 September 2013

John Sizer Night

For those of you who miss John Sizer as much as I do, he'll be at the club tonight at 6pm for a drink and a cheap meal. Come and raise a glass with him and revel in the fact that you're sure not to be the ugliest man in the room...

Thursday, 5 September 2013

The Hat Club: Saturday September 21: Peter Howarth

I'm happy to announce our next 'Hat Club' presentation.
This event follows the club Racketball finals, which Lino Gallina is organising earlier in the evening.
Please note that it is a separate event but should guarantee a cracking evening out.

After the excellent exotic exhortations of Brian Lopez, who recently launched the club with an intimately dynamic set of Tuscon Tales, we will be shifting our gaze from that distant horizon, back to our own shores.
Who says nostalgia ain't what it used to be?
Peter Howarth is the lead singer with The Hollies, the combo who were ever present in the 60s charts with such hits as 'Bus Stop', Carrie Ann', and 'Jennifer Eccles' and progressed through the 70s and 80s with such perennial favourites as 'He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother' and 'The Air That I Breathe'.
Peter has been a mainstay with the band for several years; also managing gigs with Cliff Richard and, recently making a bit impression as the West End star of 'The Roy Orbison Story'.
Peter is an engaging northerner (as well as a handy squash player), so we are guaranteed some healthy banter as well as a choice selection of acoustic arrangements of classic hits from all of his back pages...
I'd advise that you book your 'Hat Club' place early as numbers are limited; you can reserve a spot by paying your tenner asap and adding your name to that famous club clip board.
Simply ask any member of staff...