Welcome. This is an unofficial blog for Beaconsfield squash club.
Here you'll be able to access info about team matches, keep tabs on divisional positions,
and get updates on squash and racketball events and any forthcoming social activity.
It could also be the place to start (and end) rumours, and indulge in healthy banter.
There's bound to be the odd thing that offends; but that's alright isn't it, us being adults?
If you're truly miffed just email me and I'll remove the offending article.
You'll also be able to post a blog yourself; I am your host so, simply email me your piece/rant/match report/poetry/recipe for tripe to:
I'll put it up 'in the cloud' and folk will then be able to comment or heckle...
So come on, email your pieces or add your comments below what is already posted there.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

The Hat Club: Future Presentations

Please remember that these shows are put on to support your club as well as touring musicians.
It would be great to see some support from members in recognition of the time and energy that's put in to providing these opportunities for you.
You can't beat live music in an intimate environment.
March 19: Findlay Napier​
April 23: Kathryn Williams​ (with Polly Paulusma)
June 18: Zervas and Pepper​
October 1: Blue Rose Code

Friday, 8 January 2016

The Hat Club: January 16th 2016: Alex Cornish

Saturday, January 16th.
The first Hat Club of the year.
We are excited to welcome Alex Cornish.
I've been a fan of his for years so it's a personal pleasure that he's coming to play for us.
It always helps to be sure of healthy numbers so please, get your name on the club clip board asap.
Guests are more than welcome.
If you are a member or a non member you can PayPal me at: mm@lisacottage.demon.co.uk.
£10 will get you on a prepaid guest list.
Alex's band is fabulous but he's fantastic in an intimate setting too. 
Here he is in his bedroom:

And in a slightly bigger room.
This time with strings attached: