Welcome. This is an unofficial blog for Beaconsfield squash club.
Here you'll be able to access info about team matches, keep tabs on divisional positions,
and get updates on squash and racketball events and any forthcoming social activity.
It could also be the place to start (and end) rumours, and indulge in healthy banter.
There's bound to be the odd thing that offends; but that's alright isn't it, us being adults?
If you're truly miffed just email me and I'll remove the offending article.
You'll also be able to post a blog yourself; I am your host so, simply email me your piece/rant/match report/poetry/recipe for tripe to:
I'll put it up 'in the cloud' and folk will then be able to comment or heckle...
So come on, email your pieces or add your comments below what is already posted there.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Bulls: The Season Thus Far

Bull's skipper Joe Budweiser writes:

This season's first quarter results for the Bulls went as follows:
Match 1 - Away against Holmer Green 2; Win, 17-7
Match 2 - Home against Chesham Bois Seniors, Win, 16-10
Match 3 - Home against Wycombe 2; Loss, 9-16

The Bulls team players during the quarter were as follows:
Toby Johnson
Kevin Mears
Heather Joy
Joe Budzynski (sp?)
Dan Joy
Harry Wyld (sp?)
Harry Chapples
Some notable individual performances, especially from young Harry Wyld. He has quickly acclimated to team squash with the Bulls, and it's probably only a matter of time before he is playing in Division 1. The award for longest match this quarter goes to Chairman Mears against Phil Cornhill of Chesham Bois, with one that lasted somewhere between 80 and 90 minutes. Unfortunately he didn't come out the winner but it was a great match to mark and witness.
As regards to table position, two wins and a total of 42 points means the Bulls should end the quarter at second in the division. A decent start, but still a long way to go. Looking forward to the next quarter which includes an all-important intraclub match against the Bears.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

The Hat Club: November 8: Peter Bruntnell

"Bruntnell has a remarkable knack for turning out big, dreamy, melodic, memorable songs" - Mojo

"His songs are warm and beautifully radiant" - Uncut

"One of the finest songwriters in Britain" - The Independent

"His songs should be taught in schools" - NME

"One of England's best kept musical secrets" Rolling Stone

Our next Hat Club performer is a genuine troubadour.
I've seen Peter Bruntnell perform with a full band and solo and I can confidently say that he is the real deal. 
Melody and heartache never sounded so... English.
Please get your name on that club clip board asap so that we can be confident of giving this man/marvel a welcome that befits his talent.
Here's Peter performing with Rumer.

Monday, 13 October 2014

The Hat Club: This Saturday: October 18: David Bridie

Please don't miss out on this Saturday's Hat Club presentation.
David Bridie is flying in from Melbourne (en route to Santiago) to play for us.
I kid you not... and he is brilliant!
This is a sample of his style:

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Tigers v Aylesbury 1 and Chesham Bois 1B

Tigers skipper Gareth Ashington writes:

The Tigers just managed to avoid relegation last season and in the pre- season Mike McLaughlin moved over to the Lions and we welcomed my second favourite Kiwi, Mr Paul Boyle ☺ Paul brought with him the very fit Liam Radley who plays with Paul at the Marlow Club and suddenly it didn’t feel like we would be like the whipping boys of Div 1.

First match was v Aylesbury 1

Paul v Tom Phipps – Paul had popped both calves just days before and therefore it was painful for him and painful to watch him hold back. 3-0 to Tom

Liam v Ian McGowan – everyone loves to beat a Scot and Ian managed to get 5 points as Liam was too fit, too young and patient. Ian looked knackered. 3-0 Liam

Dan v Simon Townsend – 3-1 to Dan. Simon took the first but from 2nd game on Dan was in control.

Jimmy v Tristan – Tristan is different! More on that later. Jimmy should have lost the first but sneaked it 10-9 and then was comfortable.

Gareth v Dave Heron – Tristan marked and I think at the business end of one of the games called me for a foot fault! Other strange decisions followed. I should have won but lost 7-9 in the fifth. 15 minutes later Dave was smoking his electric cigarette!

Good result, 15-7 to Tigers.

Tigers v CB1B – last night. 

I dropped myself and we won 5-0 and 19-5. Paul and Dave both won 3-0 against Phil Taylor and James Rearson and Liam beat Steve Sieff 3-1. I hear that Steve played at 2 in Div 2 last year and is now at 2 in Div 1. Jimmy was 2-1 down before managing to claw back to win 3-2.
Dan is Dan as we all know and nothing has changed. He played last with everyone watching him, just as he likes it. He started slowly and lost the first 2 games. I think you know what comes next! Well thank god for the PAR scoring system to 11! Dan played well and managed a 3-2 win.