First up we had a butcher's feast served up by Tim Vail and Tom Phipps in the 'Racketball Challenge'.
'Tiny' Tim is the National Racketball champion, ranked No2 in England.
There are not many Premier League squash players who can eat 12 pork pies in a minute; 'Tiny' dominates the 'T' see convincingly that it takes an A to Z and a compass to get around him. That was the challenge for Aylesbury's pin up Tom, who is the Bucks Racketball champion and ranked nationally at No5.
The rallies were long, languorous and spectacular; the packed galleries in awe of both players' flexibility, dexterity and creativity.
Tim tonked Tom eventually after much grand spectacle; they danced spectacularly. Excellent box office gents. Well done.
The next offering was more traditional fayre though not exactly meat and potatoes; the 'Squash Challenge':
Clive Ewins (British over 35 national runner up/World over 35 semi finalist/Ex world top 80 ranked) took on the club's No1 and current champion Paul Boyle (Kiwi Terrier).
We expected the haka from the All Black; got nowt but a hacking cough.
He might have been poorly but he hammered poor Clive with a ruthless virtuoso display. No mercy...
After the games the members made for the bar to enjoy the late bar extension and to dip their bread in the evening's culinary offerings: Chicken and Porcini Casserole & Beef in Red Wine Ragu with Star Anise, served up by The Camel's squeeze, Pam McNeil and 'Chef de Club', Trevor Jones.
Pam waved her ladle a little too generously at first; those 'Irish Portions' gradually declining to 'Kiddy Meal' proportions as it became apparent that the natives were rampantly ravenous. Where does Howard put it?
Oh, and club captain (and current club racketball champion) 'Dirty' Dan Fernandez (right) made a speech that no-one really listened to; I'll try and post a transcript here to reveal if anything of note was said...
Have a look below to some images of the evening captured by the unofficial club photographer, lovely Di Holmes (
If you scroll to the bottom you can marvel at the size of Trev's ladel...

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