We hosted Aylesbury 1st team who it has to be said rather rudely turned up with two number ones!
So Running Machin(e) cheerily went on 1st against Matt and proceeded to run to all 4 corners of the court. As the match went on Matt rather unkindly would send him to one corner before despatching the ball to another, Johnny would oblige him with by running to where he was convinced the ball was going to go before doubling back to where it finally went. He looked mightily relived the match finished so quickly. 0-3
Meanwhile the crowds were building on Ct4 as our Real McCoy's big test against the force that is Phippsy. High octane stuff indeed it was with a hard fought 1st going our way and an even more convincing 2nd. The crowd were rubbing their hands when a healthy 4-0 lead was looking like a landmark victory but Thomas dug into his deep pool of experience and cleared the 1st hurdle. Mike had lost his momentum as Tom squared the match as Mike's trade mark "error free" squash was deserting him. This was a very competitive game but not to go to the good guys. 2-3
Dan Dare showed up at the customary 8:30 slot only to complain that he had to mark me (Rhino) and Simon Townsend rather than watch the climax to Mike & Tom, sh*t happens. The season so far for me has been renewing old rivalries and Simon and I go back some 30 years! He came out of the blocks well and no surprises I lost the 1st but thankfully not to cheaply. With the beautiful game being exploited on Ct 4 this was a contrast of extremes but the uglier it got the better I faired. So ugly it stayed and our 1st win of the night was posted. 3-1
Ashers took on Ian McGowan who in my day was at 1 until Tom grew up but has always had a gritty game. Ashers came in the changing room 2 nil down declaring himself not fit enough to play at this level. I reminded him that there was no way the Ian takes on any the the outrageously stupid court routines he put himself through regularly and that he should use this to his advantage, he left shaking his head. I went and got a beer (my new found training aid) to get back up to see he was now 2-2! Ian does not lie down easily and the work rate Ashers was putting in was considerable but he proved up to the challenge and posted his best scalp to date. 3-2
With Sick Note sending in his note. Dan Dare moved up to 3. Once again on last once again the match all level. Sam Hales is fitter and faster than Dan and has considerably more hair. When someone consistently picks up your best shots the temptation is to try and hit an even better one, this usually brings the tin into play and that was the story of the 1st two games. Not looking good at all for the good guys. On the basis that my pep talk to Asher's was responsible for his win downstairs I ventured to impart more wisdom, patience Dan wait for the openings to come. He gets the 3rd. Down I go again "keep it going the pace is good" Dan looked at me and then at the Defibrillator. It was not to be, Sam's engine had more horses so no fairytale ending. 1-3.
Still 9 points against this lot is no disgrace, Mike was close to pulling it off and Gareth got a great win. Next Chesham Bois and more thankfully no Curry.
Clearly embarrassed by this oversight caused simply by their No.5 pulling out last minute and rather than doing the honourable thing and finding some lowly 3rd team replacement opted without shame to bring Matt Marshall along with Thomas Phipps to enjoy our Curry. I cannot help thinking that a homemade bowl of unidentifiable meat and gravy along with some boiled to bits vegetables ( I wonder how Pauline is doing?) may well have been to our advantage. Hey Ho!